Thursday, November 18, 2010


Our cat Dusty has been killing birds and eating them. Yeah I guess that's no surprise to most of you but until I actually saw her consume one whole, feathers and all I didn't give too much thought to the fact that she was out there hunting her little heart out. She is some hunter let me tell you. I saw her kill a squirrel as well as a rabbit  and frankly that is so gross and unsettling. We have all watched  shows like Discovery and National Georgraphic and see such things in the wild but I never thought it would be so graphic in my own back yard.  Ever since Dusty has been going outside she has been relentless. She would bring me the occasional mouse and I would praise her, but lately it has been bunnies and birds squirrels and who knows what else.    I have decided that for the little birds at least I was going to try to do something as the bird population is going down. I found this thing called the BIB that looks just like a baby's bib, it is usually a bright color and you attach it around your cat's neck every time it goes outdoors. It is supposed to encumber the cat when trying to get a hold of her victim. Also the bright color warns the bird of danger. This thing costs around $12.00 plus shipping.  I decided to get one of those red bandanas at the Dollar store and just tie it around her neck permanently to warn the birdies. I hope it works.

1 comment:

  1. Ooohhh that is a neat little thing! Purrley is purely an indoor cat but I've always been a proponent to keep kitties indoors. They do need the outside every so often, however. They need fresh air and sunshine as much as we do. What I did with Kitsa was have her on a long tethered leash at first, then as she got used to it and us being around her all the time (never left her alone) I removed the leash and she just kept with us. Now, with her nature, she was a bit shy and skiddish so any off sound got her scampering to the door. Not all kitties are like this. I'm not sure how to work with Purrley yet, maybe make up an open yet 'enclosed space so he can wander, enjoy the air but not escape or kill innocent little creatures.

    It's in a cat's nature to hunt and that in itself, to me is just the cycle of nature. However, my only true concern is if the cat escapes and gets hit by a car or gets picked up or something. Better to be safe. let me know how the bib thing works for you!
