Wednesday, December 22, 2010


lordy, it's not that there is too much to do, well maybe there is, but for me it's more the organizing part that makes me nuts! Too much going on in my head, gotta do this gotta do that. Still errands to run and regular meals to prepare, so yesterday was one big giant headache, I mean literally. Spent in the day in PJ's and slept trying to get rid of the pain and also the drained feeling.  Decided to remove some things from my to do list  and I felt better, but guess what, today they are back on! I will admit I am asking for trouble and my headache is creeping back. I wonder how those ladies who lived in the early 1900's did. With no refrigeration, where did they store all the dishes that they made for christmas. Also how did they do it all, did they live with extended family and thus have sisters and aunts helping or did they travel to each others homes to help with cooking.? We have all these kitchen gadgets to help us and we are still frazzled. Honestly I don't know how my mother does it. She is an expert "freezer" she knows how to preare food so that it freezes and most importantly thaws in a way where the taste of the food is not compromised, She is a genius, I tell you, kitchen is her domain. One time at a loss for what to get her for her birthday I found this wonderful cookbook for Pasta by Giada de Laurentis and thought, ok, this looks nice, beautiful pictures and many types of  sauce for pasta, looked good to me. Mom opens th present and says" Why did you get me a book about pasta? I know how to cook pasta! Can't win them all, yes she can cook anything and make it taste very good.I did not inherit that talent sadly... ok everyone take a breath and let's continue the cooking.....

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